Contact Us / Hours

SVE Vineyards


Barb Mike Slattery Chef Sarah

Slattery Vintage Estates
Vineyard & Tasting Room

8925 Adams Street, Nehawka, NE


Barb & Mike Slattery, proprietors

Sarah Slattery, chef

Rural Cass County, between Nehawka and Weeping Water

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Reasonable rates to rent the banquet hall, vineyard, tasting room, courtyard, deck and patio for all your private events!


 Fall Hours Sept. 3 to Oct. 19:

Friday, Saturday 1-8

Sunday 1pm to 6pm 


Winter Hours:

Weather depending,  Fri, Sat & Sunday 1-6



 Spring Hours begin May 13:

Thurs. 4-8 p.m.

Friday: 1 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Saturday 1 p.m. to 8  p.m.

Sunday 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Summer Hours Memorial Day Weekend - Labor Day Weekend:

Thursday:   4-8 p.m.

Friday: 1 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Saturday 1 p.m. to 10  p.m.

Sunday 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.

*Unless otherwise noted on home page!!!

Open other times by appointment

**Closed  Christmas Eve, Christmas Day,  Easter Weekend  and July 4

Check for special events and entertainment



Address & Directions

Address: 8925 Adams Street,  Nehawka, NE

We are not in the town of Nehawka! We are 2.5 miles West of the town! If you must use your GPS, please use the Latitude and Longitude coordinates:

N 40° 50.458      W 096° 03.257

Better yet, use these directions >>

Slattery Vintage Estates

Vineyard & Tasting Room

Barb & Mike Slattery, proprietors
Sarah Slattery, chef
Rural Cass County, between Nehawka and Weeping Water