To book the hall, please call Barb at (402) 267-5267. Rental rates for parties and events other than weddings are $55 per hour (weekdays) and $75 per hour (weekends) for a minimum of 3 hours. Rates are discounted for minimum food/drink orders. Call for rates! Book your anniversary, birthday or shower today.
Note: Tasting room and adjacent patio can be booked for decreased rates, but must be rented before or after tasting room hours.
January 11 Cass Co. Dems Retreat (RSVP)
January 25 Theme Dinner (TBA)
February 8 Theme Dinner (TBA)
Feberuary 15 Sweetheart Dinner (RSVP)
February 22 Theme Dinner (TBA)
March 2 KCCB High Tea (RSVP to KCCB)
March 8 Nehawka Fire and Rescue Dinner (private)
March 14 Cass County Dems Fundraiser Dinner (private)
March 22 Theme Dinner (TBA)
March 29 Theme Dinner (TBA)
April 5 Baby Shower (private)
April 12 Theme Dinner (TBA)
April 26 Theme Dinner (TBA)
May 3 Theme Dinner (TBA)
May 9 Graduation Party (private)
May 10 Graduation Party (Private)
Address: 8925 Adams Street, Nehawka, NE
We are not in the town of Nehawka! We are 2.5 miles West of the town! If you must use your GPS, please use the Latitude and Longitude coordinates:
N 40° 50.458 W 096° 03.257